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Story 2

Welcome to NOMiverse

It was about 2 years ago when we decided to begin our culinary journey and our goal was simple and clear: to create a small, cozy, and unique restaurant where people can savor quick bites in a beautiful setting, either alone or with friends. And this is how NOM was born, and opened its doors on June 16, 2021. The name NOM comes from the exclamation “nom nom!” that we make when we enjoy something and capture better than anything the pleasure associated with delicious food.
nom shop
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Having spent many years in gastronomy, we have cultivated a genuine love for great food. And the proof is that we always seek it out wherever we go! On each of our journeys abroad, we try to explore all the best local cuisine has to offer, delve into the culture of each kitchen, and discover new ideas and flavors. For us, food is more than a simple gustatory pleasure; it's a holistic experience engaging all the senses. That's why we believe everything should be just right: the presentation, the aromas, the taste, and even the touch are elements that must be present on our plates.
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The outcome that meets our standards led us after numerous trials and experiments to smashed burgers that effortlessly combine exceptional taste with speed. Following French people's saying, "Where there is color, there is flavor," our meat is cooked on a hot griddle, acquiring a delightful coffee-brown hue: that is the secret behind the unmatched deliciousness you've all come to love. At the same time, this cooking method allows us to prepare each patty within just 2.5 minutes without compromising its quality. And this is how we manage to serve you the mouthwatering street food you deserve every day, whether you're at our store or enjoying it at your place through delivery. Our smashed burgers have now become a signature food in Rhodes and an incredible taste experience waiting to be shared!